7 Results of Protecting

Never does a day go by when we wish for our kids to encounter struggles and problems. We actually want to protect them from such trouble. But we cannot stop challenges from coming to them. It thus begs the question; how do we know when to protect our children from difficulty and when to allow…

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Don’t be Afraid to Evaluate

To reach the next level at anything, we must evaluate ourselves. Please do not be afraid of engaging in this process. Evaluation is not to criticize and berate self, but to objectively examine skills and abilities. Whether in sport, job, hobby, or even your friendships and love life, looking at ‘performance’ is a first step…

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The Self-Esteem Movement Lied to You

The self-esteem movement aimed to protect a child’s esteem and build their belief in self, but this crusade did more damage to kids than it helped. This drive to improve self-esteem largely dominated American households and schools during the 1970’s and 1980’s following the first book of a series on the topic, ‘The Psychology of…

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