Quick Goal Setting Tips for Success
Common practice believes if you set a goal, then you will achieve it? Then why do so many of you fail? Why do you give up before you even make a dent in your progress? Perhaps you need to quick goal setting tips to help this trend change.
More than likely, you set some goals or those dreaded new year resolutions only to see them fall by the wayside, right? Let me show you a simple ways to think through your goals which can lead to a greater chance of success.
Goal setting that works
Often, folks miss the mark right from the beginning when setting the goal(s). Most of you set outcome goals leading to a focus on things or people outside of your control. While it is okay to have outcome or results in view (such as winning the gold medal), the best individual goals stay centered on what you control, or the process towards the results.
Next, determining goals can be answered in one question: What will success look like to you when you achieve it? For example, it is common to say things such as, ‘I want to lose weight and feel better.’ Or, ‘I want to get over my mental block.’ 'I want to be happy.'
I hear these goals a lot in my office, but they are too broad to equate to something achievable. These vague goals lead to repeated failure or, as commonly noted, giving up before progress is earned.
Goal setting must get specific
Goals must be specific. Breaking down goals into achievable bites is key to creating goals you actually can accomplish.
First, turn your broad outcome or Long Term Goal, achievable in 1 to 3 years, into a more detailed result. ‘I want to lose weight and feel better’ becomes ‘I want to lose 65 pounds and climb the stairs without breathing heavy.’ 'I want to get over my mental block' changes to 'I want to increase my confidence and master my Level 9 skills by end of summer next year.' 'I want to be happy' shifts to 'I want to be involved in my community and have a core group of friends I trust and do things with on a regular basis.'
The outcome Long Term Goal becomes your source of inspiration and your guide to your Short Term Goals. Short Term Goals are to achieve within 1 to 12 months. These goals feed into the Long Term Goal and are specific.
Finally, set Immediate Goals to achieve daily and weekly to support your Short Term and Long Term Goals. These are daily goals you employ and do. These are the goals that are so specific they leave no room for negotiation. Examples: 'Hit play on lower body burn' or 'walk 4 miles at 7:00am.' 'Today do 5 reps of backhand spring - back layout on the line and 5 on the low beam.' 'Invite two friends over for dinner Saturday 6:30pm--keep calling until two accept.' All these goals are specific. All are doable setting you up for success.
Goal setting requires a deadline
Making sure goals have deadlines ensures a greater chance of success. Write them down and mark the target on your calendar. Post them in at least two places where you can see them and daily review them.
Take it a step further and enlist a friend or coach to hold you accountable. Check in with this friend on a weekly basis to review your progress. Designate that time weekly on your calendar.
Your friend can be there to help you when it gets hard or you have a set back. Your friend also can challenge you and confront your excuses that keep you from achievement.
Goal setting is not hard. It simply requires more specificity, deadlines, and a support system.
Kip Rodgers, LPC-S