Are We a Good Fit?
At Kip Rodgers Consulting we help premier athletes and business leaders excel in their chosen field. The challenges we all face are real, but not insurmountable. Our science-based assessments and programs can help you remove the mental roadblocks that limit your success.
We understand how your brain works. Our programs will inspire you to reach your maximum potential – and to attain heightened and sustained levels of personal and professional performance.
Now is the time to invest in your mind, body, and soul. Let’s do this.
Sports Psychology Assessments
If 90% of the game is mental, shouldn’t you spend time training the mind? What if you could predict, prevent, and prepare for when an athlete struggles? We are mental performance coaches utilizing a proven psychological science combined with a personal touch. We take the unknown and make it known so you can train for success while minimizing and preventing personal and sport struggles before they start.
You're one click away from your next level!
We apply a proven science with over 50 years of validation and reliability studies to assist corporations, offices, and departments in identifying qualified personnel and placing them in the right position. Using a simple 2-step process, we can enhance recruiting and retention, generate greater productivity, and job satisfaction, and improve overall results.
Click the button below and take your team to its' next level!
It’s a fact of life, we can’t stop challenges & problems from happening, but our process and expertise can equip you to manage your challenges with the mental and physical stamina you need to perform your best. With our goal-oriented therapy, you gain tools and enhance your mental/emotional success to keep going even when you don’t feel like it.
Like to know more? Click the button below, and let's get you back on track!

Transformational Keynote Speaker
Master Workshop Facilitator
Professional Athlete, High Performance Coach, Sports Psychologist - Kip Rodgers is a 25-year veteran therapist who has helped transform thousands of lives. With her own life full of challenges and successes, her story telling equally moves an audience towards greater levels of hope and consistency in their personal and professional lives.
Read More About Kip's Experience
Click the button and find out more about Kip's experience, the lives she's helped to change, and her availability for your next function!

New Client Forms
Before your first visit you'll need to download and complete some paperwork. If you'll click the link below we'll take you to the page where we keep them. Then you'll then be able to download the forms in a pdf format, print them out on any printer and fill them in. Please bring the completed forms with you to your first appointment.
Thank you.