Changing the Definition of Assault
How is a bad joke and a pat on the butt 'sexual assault'? This would be a significant change in the definition of assault. This is a dis-service to those of us who actually have been assaulted. #METOO is a serious issue. It now appears to attract those who have been offended NOT assaulted by bad taste, poor judgement, and perhaps being 89 and elderly! To include a vague and non-definable classification of hurt feelings as sexual assault is further stripping power from the legal community to go after these scum bags.
Good Lord, you know how many sexual jokes and disgusting comments I have heard over the years in the newsroom, football field, training rooms, and locker rooms? Come on women...let us use our voices wisely to STOP criminals but not go so far we change the definition of assault. Done with that.
Some of my deepest thoughts come to me whilst sitting at red lights. It happens to all of us, I just thought I'd write them down and share them with you! I'd love to hear your feedback on the thoughts that haunt my mind while waiting on "the other guy" to get off his cell phone and notice that the light is green!